कक्षा संचालन सम्बन्धी सूचना ।
प्रस्तुत विषयमा कोभिड–१९ का कारण भौतिक रुपमा स्थगन भएका पठन–पाठन कार्यक्रमहरु मिति २०७८।१०।२४ गते देखि स्वास्थ्य सुरक्षाका सबै मापदण्डहरु अपनाई कक्षा ६ देखि १२ सम्मका सबै कक्षाहरु संचालन गरिने छ । साथै कक्षा प्ले ग्रुप देखि ५ सम्मका कक्षाहरु अर्को सूचना जारी नभए सम्मका लागि अनलाईन माध्यमबाटै संचालन गरिने कुरा सम्पूर्ण विद्यार्थी, अभिभावक, शिक्षक तथा कर्मचारीहरुको जानकारीको लागि यो सूचना प्रकाशन गरिएको छ। प्रधानाध्यापक
About Us
Our School was established in the year .. BS It is located in the heart of ...in the district of , Nepal. Mr ..... is the sole founder of the school. He has been striving hard to provide Land for school construction and quality education in this vicinity. The school aims at a radical change of heart in our students, staff, parents and the community, so that they be compassionate, competent conscientious and committed to bring about a visibly just society. Today school is running from Play Group to class 12. The school has facilitated canteen, library, computer labs,smart lab, ICT hub and science lab for the students.
Our Vision is to prepare students for global participation by encouraging them to become responsible, reflective and empowered learners. We envision that our graduate leaves the school with:
Patience and respect for others.
A strong self-esteem and high personal expectation.
. Every Gyanodaya Secondary School members has to strictly follow all the rules prescribed by the school. Breaching of rules and regulations at any cost is intolerable. Necessary actions will be take by the school management in case of violation of the rules and regulations.
Analytically problem solving skills - handling problems in a logical way without facile or emotional judgments.
Multi-cultural skills and abilities to deal with people of different cultural backgrounds - great urgency in the era of globalization that brings different people together in the same environment. Resources include internet, charts, maps, audio and video recordings, posters etc.
The volumes of homework are set as per school Homework Policy that is in Consonance with the student’s skill, level and age. We believe that homework is not looking back at what has been learnt. Rather it is further exploration of a subject that has been introduced to a child.
Every student our School is required to attend at least 90% of the total classes run in an academic year.
Examination and Assessment:
The academic session is divided into four terms; Fortnightly assessments are given to keep a track of the student’s Performance. We use both formative and summative evaluation methods to ensure overall and fair judgment of the students.
- Caring, loving and supportive educational environment.
- Incalculation of positive attitudes and respect for discipline.
- Experienced and qualified teachers.
- Student – oriented teaching methodologies.
- Additional remadial classes for the needy students.
- Resourceful library with a wide range of references.
- Weekly examination.
- Library and smart board with tablets.
- Maintain good attendance.
- Strengthen Writing Skills.