कक्षा संचालन सम्बन्धी सूचना ।
प्रस्तुत विषयमा कोभिड–१९ का कारण भौतिक रुपमा स्थगन भएका पठन–पाठन कार्यक्रमहरु मिति २०७८।१०।२४ गते देखि स्वास्थ्य सुरक्षाका सबै मापदण्डहरु अपनाई कक्षा ६ देखि १२ सम्मका सबै कक्षाहरु संचालन गरिने छ । साथै कक्षा प्ले ग्रुप देखि ५ सम्मका कक्षाहरु अर्को सूचना जारी नभए सम्मका लागि अनलाईन माध्यमबाटै संचालन गरिने कुरा सम्पूर्ण विद्यार्थी, अभिभावक, शिक्षक तथा कर्मचारीहरुको जानकारीको लागि यो सूचना प्रकाशन गरिएको छ। प्रधानाध्यापक
Message from the Principal:
Mahendra Secondary School (MSS) is a community school established in 2009 B.S. with a noble aim of imparting knowledge, skill and attitude to the students based on the curriculum guidelines and as per the necessity of the 21st century learning skills. It has completed its prolonged successful academic journey of nearly seven decades and has achieved remarkable success in the academic and extra-curricular fields. It has been possible because of the continuous support of the guardians, our beloved hard-working as well as highly disciplined students, concern of the well-wishers, stakeholders and dedication of the professionally guided, qualified staff.


Big Hall For Ceremony
यस श्री महेन्द्र नमूना माध्यमिका विद्यालयको अडिटोरिय हल

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Health Care
Students with minor ailments and injuries are treated in the school infirmary by qualified staff nurses. Qualified and registered ...

Computer Laboratories
To facilitate students search and obtain information for their academic and research purpose, we have installed Computer lab with internet connection.

यस श्री महेन्द्र नमूना माध्यमिका विद्यालयको पुस्तकालय कक्ष